Scoutbook Training Launch (Longhouse Council)
A Session by Ryanne Fisher , Scott Fisher and Scott Armstrong
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About this Session
Longhouse Council volunteers - Unit leaders, Den leaders, parents, committee chairs, Commissioners, merit badge counselors, Scouts and Venture Crew members - we have an outstanding opportunity for a first time ever Council-wide online training on Tuesday night April 21 at 7:00. National Scoutbook expert Scott Fisher will use Zoom technology to connect us all and will run through how to use Scoutbook to assist in tracking individual youth progress, unit communications and schedule, approving merit badges and so much more. Pre-registration is required and you will be able to ask a question as part of your registration process or by using the Chat feature in Zoom during the training. You may connect on a computer with a camera and built-in audio, with a smartphone or on a phone with audio only.
Scoutbook is BSA’s online and smartphone app that is FREE to all youth, parents and leaders. Many units are using it and if not, you should be! This training will teach you how, or make you better, and will cover recent updates.
Scoutbook tracks all advancement, communications, camping nights, service hours, awards, schedules, unit leadership and will connect you with Merit Badge counselors and so much more! It is the one platform where Scouts, parents and leaders can all have access to the unit information and individual Scout’s progress. It is Youth Protection compliant.
Attending and asking questions during the LIVE Longhouse Council Scoutbook Training Launch is FREE. You will be sent emails confirming your registration, a clickable URL to enter the meeting and reminders prior to the meeting so you don’t forget!
Please pre-register here and we’ll see you Tuesday evening! REGISTRATION, click here: